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Comment: Ruppell's Long-tailed Starling and Grey-capped Social-Weavers.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 108 * We stopped at a park office with a picnic area and trail to explore. The sides of the buildings were decorated with stones shaped like wildebeest heads.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 109 * Map of Tanzania with a collection of bones collected within the park.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 110 * Northern White-crowned Shrike.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 111 * Ruppell's Long-tailed Starling and Hildebrandt's Starling. Grey-capped Social-Weavers.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 112 * Ruppell's Long-tailed Starling.

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14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 114 * Purple Grenadier.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 115 * Speke's Weaver.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 116 * Immature Purple Grenadier (yes, its brown).

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 118 * Usambiro Barbet.

14SerengetiDayGameDrive - 119 * Green-winged Pytilia.

Copyright � 2007 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

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